Corporate Executive Training and Adaptive Training for employees
Henry Ford famously said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”
With this in mind, SARCO has assiduously built up a range of superior value added training modules for business to benefit from.
We therefore cater to needs of all hierarchical levels from Top management to Middle to Lower management. Delivered by true blue corporate professionals, these training sessions are a powerful blend of classroom type sessions and experiential interactive sessions.
Besides delivering these sessions, SARCO also assists you in gauging the impact of these trainings, and by providing follow-up training sessions where necessary.
- Corporate Adaptation Training
- Soft Skills Training
- Goal Setting and Time Management
- Decision Making Techniques
- Strategic Planning
- Finance for Non Finance Professionals
- ERP Implementation – Do’s and Don’ts
- Agile / Scrum
- Kanban
- Srumban